    [0] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/App/Controllers/AccountController.php
            [line] => 626
            [function] => coreErrorHandler
            [class] => Exceptions\CoreException
            [type] => ::
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => 2
                    [1] => require_once(/var/www/isramed/data/triz//App/Components/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
                    [2] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/App/Controllers/AccountController.php
                    [3] => 626
                    [4] => Array
                            [furl] => Array
                                    [0] => linkedin

                            [providers] => Array
                                    [0] => facebook
                                    [1] => linkedin

                            [provider] => linkedin
                            [config] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz//App/Components/hybridauth/config.php



    [1] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/App/Controllers/AccountController.php
            [line] => 626
            [function] => require_once

    [2] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/Core/Controller/FrontControllerAbstract.php
            [line] => 265
            [function] => actionLogin
            [class] => App\Controllers\AccountController
            [object] => App\Controllers\AccountController Object
                    [lang:protected] => App\Controllers\LanguageController Object
                            [lang_code] => en-gb
                            [lang_name] => en
                            [lang_front_pref] => 
                            [data:App\Controllers\LanguageController:private] => Array
                                    [page_title] => SIS
                                    [page_subtitle] => SIS Constructor
                                    [text_welcome] => Welcome, %s
                                    [text_forgot_password] => Forgot password
                                    [text_forgot_recovery] => Password recovery
                                    [b_remember_me] => Remember me
                                    [b_forgot] => Forgot?
                                    [b_create_account] => Create account
                                    [b_login_with] => Login with:
                                    [b_my_account] => My account
                                    [b_logout] => Logout
                                    [b_forgot_code] => Reseive code
                                    [b_forgot_send] => Send !
                                    [err_user_not_found] => User not found!
                                    [err_email_not_found] => This e-mail was not found!
                                    [err_forgot_email] => Sending email has failed
                                    [err_forgot_code] => Code for password recovery has been expired or invalid
                                    [err_forgot_new_password] => Unable to generate a new password
                                    [err_forgot_new_password_sent] => Sending a letter with a new password has failed
                                    [forgot_email_ok] => Code for password recovery has been sent to your e-mail
                                    [forgot_new_password_sent] => New password was sent to your email
                                    [forgot_mail_recovery] => Password recovery code:
                                    [forgot_email_page] => Enter it on the page:
                                    [forgot_email_follow] => follow the
                                    [forgot_email_link] => link
                                    [forgot_mail_sub] => New password
                                    [forgot_mail_2_hello] => Hello!
                                    [forgot_mail_2_recovery] => You or someone on your behalf has requested the access recovery to your  account on the site: %s
                                    [forgot_mail_2_id] => Your ID: %s
                                    [forgot_mail_2_password] => Your new password: %s
                                    [forgot_mail_2_href] => Go to %s
                                    [forgot_mail_2_end] => This email was sent to the email address used when registering with %s. If you did not request a password reset, let us know.

                            [lang_model] => App\Models\Language Object
                                    [dbs:App\Models\Language:private] => Database\Adapters\MyPDO Object
                                            [lastError:Database\Adapters\MyPDO:private] => 

                                    [lang_code] => en-gb
                                    [lang_name] => en

                            [_widget:Controller\PageControllerAbstract:private] => 

                    [lang_pref:protected] => 
                    [lang_front_code:protected] => en-gb
                    [lang_layout_var:protected] => Array
                            [page_title] => SIS
                            [page_subtitle] => SIS Constructor
                            [text_welcome] => Welcome, %s
                            [text_forgot_password] => Forgot password
                            [text_forgot_recovery] => Password recovery
                            [b_remember_me] => Remember me
                            [b_forgot] => Forgot?
                            [b_create_account] => Create account
                            [b_login_with] => Login with:
                            [b_my_account] => My account
                            [b_logout] => Logout
                            [b_forgot_code] => Reseive code
                            [b_forgot_send] => Send !
                            [err_user_not_found] => User not found!
                            [err_email_not_found] => This e-mail was not found!
                            [err_forgot_email] => Sending email has failed
                            [err_forgot_code] => Code for password recovery has been expired or invalid
                            [err_forgot_new_password] => Unable to generate a new password
                            [err_forgot_new_password_sent] => Sending a letter with a new password has failed
                            [forgot_email_ok] => Code for password recovery has been sent to your e-mail
                            [forgot_new_password_sent] => New password was sent to your email
                            [forgot_mail_recovery] => Password recovery code:
                            [forgot_email_page] => Enter it on the page:
                            [forgot_email_follow] => follow the
                            [forgot_email_link] => link
                            [forgot_mail_sub] => New password
                            [forgot_mail_2_hello] => Hello!
                            [forgot_mail_2_recovery] => You or someone on your behalf has requested the access recovery to your  account on the site: %s
                            [forgot_mail_2_id] => Your ID: %s
                            [forgot_mail_2_password] => Your new password: %s
                            [forgot_mail_2_href] => Go to %s
                            [forgot_mail_2_end] => This email was sent to the email address used when registering with %s. If you did not request a password reset, let us know.

                    [lang_list:protected] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [lang_id] => 1
                                    [code] => ru-ru
                                    [locale] => ru_ru.UTF-8,ru_ru,ru-ru,russian
                                    [direction] => ltr
                                    [directory] => ru-ru
                                    [name_url] => ru
                                    [name_full] => Русский
                                    [sort_order] => 1
                                    [status] => 1
                                    [date_format] => DD.MM.YYYY
                                    [lang_default] => 0
                                    [lang_pattern] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [lang_id] => 2
                                    [code] => en-gb
                                    [locale] => en_US.UTF-8,en_US,en-gb,english
                                    [direction] => ltr
                                    [directory] => en-gb
                                    [name_url] => en
                                    [name_full] => English
                                    [sort_order] => 2
                                    [status] => 1
                                    [date_format] => YYYY-MM-DD
                                    [lang_default] => 1
                                    [lang_pattern] => 0

                            [2] => Array
                                    [lang_id] => 3
                                    [code] => he-il
                                    [locale] => he,he-IL,he_IL,he_IL.UTF-8
                                    [direction] => rtl
                                    [directory] => he-il
                                    [name_url] => he
                                    [name_full] => Hebrew / עברית
                                    [sort_order] => 3
                                    [status] => 1
                                    [date_format] => YYYY-MM-DD
                                    [lang_default] => 0
                                    [lang_pattern] => 0


                    [_widget:Controller\PageControllerAbstract:private] => Array
                            [banner] => App\Widgets\Banner Object
                                    [_widget:Controller\PageControllerAbstract:private] => 

                            [menu] => App\Widgets\Menu Object
                                    [_widget:Controller\PageControllerAbstract:private] => 

                            [menugeneral] => App\Widgets\MenuGeneral Object
                                    [_widget:Controller\PageControllerAbstract:private] => 

                            [selectlanguages] => App\Widgets\SelectLanguages Object
                                    [_widget:Controller\PageControllerAbstract:private] => 



            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [0] => linkedin



    [3] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/Core/Controller/FrontControllerAbstract.php
            [line] => 31
            [function] => loadController
            [class] => Controller\FrontControllerAbstract
            [type] => ::
            [args] => Array


    [4] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/Core/Kit.php
            [line] => 195
            [function] => run
            [class] => Controller\FrontControllerAbstract
            [type] => ::
            [args] => Array


    [5] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/isramed/data/triz/index.php
            [line] => 25
            [function] => createApplication
            [class] => Kit
            [type] => ::
            [args] => Array


Stoped: -var-www-isramed-data-triz-Core-Exceptions-ExceptionAbstract/26
Time:0.03 sec.
Memory:687.809 Kb